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Generating Visuals Using Solid Background Color

  1. After finalizing your audio, click Next >> Visuals.
  2. Choose Solid Background Color (Plain solid background color for all scenes).
  3. You’ll be prompted to select a background color. The default color is based on your branding settings.
  4. If you wish to change the background color, select your preferred color using the color picker, or enter the HEX code directly in the field.
  5. Click Submit to confirm your selection.
  6. You will be redirected to the edit frame for the first scene, where all scenes will be assigned this color.
  7. To change the background color for a specific scene, click on the scene in the navigator.
  8. In the Visuals tab, click on the solid background color field.
  9. Select your desired color from the color picker for that scene.
  10. Click Save to confirm the changes.
  11. Close the view to return to the Visuals tab.
  12. Once satisfied with all visuals, proceed to Next, Video, to generate the video.

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